Advertising Adverywhere All Ad Once: When to Go Wide And When to Go Niche
Advertising used to be a simple game of figuring out how to throw together a few television ads that resonate with a general public hungry for info on your product or service. However, marketing to broad audiences on the boob tube is no longer a great way to reach customers—especially if what you’re selling is something as niche as hot dog finger gloves.
Marketing requires an omnichannel approach now. Brands need to leverage different strategies and employ messaging that can both appeal broadly and speak to a few audience members.
Choosing Between Broad and Niche
Here’s why and what you need to do for effective marketing strategies for broad and niche audiences.
The United States Becomes a Polyculture
The United States has quickly developed into what can fairly be described as a "polyculture". BBG Ventures, an investment firm, describes the shift this way:
“Today, as a result of demographic shifts and economic trends, we are seeing the emergence of a new America – a polycultural America – that has broad implications for the nation, but also for innovation.”
Though America has almost always been seen as a “melting pot” with great variability in cultures and ethnicities, when it came to marketing, there was a stale advertising homogeneity that spoke primarily to and advocated for a white audience.
America was always diverse but now there’s a demand for “polycultural” marketing. There are now people of all races, ethnicities, genders, religions, and more who have consumption demands that must be fulfilled by the market. This means that those individuals must also be reached out to in ways that might differ from how marketing was done before.
Personalized Marketing is the Future
From our Netflix queues to the coupons we get with our receipts, everything can be personalized these days. Because personalization is everywhere, consumers may expect it to be present with your brand. That’s why it's necessary for most marketers to think about the steps that they can take to create ads that speak to the individual interests of their target markets.
Gather as much data as possible about the types of people that you would like to reach out to. This means thinking about what kind of interests those individuals are likely to have as well as how they wish to be presented with the information that you have to offer. You can drill down into those details and pluck out the pieces that are most relevant to the ways that you can present your products to them. You may be surprised by how many details are lurking just beneath the surface for you to check out.
Generalized Marketing Can Still Work
Don't think for a moment that the only way that you can ever reach out to target customers is via highly specific advertisements. The reality is that you can still use generalized marketing efforts to make a splash as well. This is often what smaller companies with limited budgets have to do when they are first starting out. After all, it can get extremely expensive to create brand-new marketing campaigns that are micro-targeted from scratch. However, if you are willing to sacrifice some of the most specific types of targeted marketing, then you can create a generalized marketing campaign that can work for you.
Weigh your options between generalized and specific marketing efforts to see what will work best for you. Think about your budgetary concerns, and don't forget to rebalance both of those efforts from time to time. You might have to work with a combination of both specific and generalized marketing for some time until you build such a critical mass of customers that you just don't have to worry about it anymore. That can work well in your favor as well.
Get You a Marketing Agency That Can Do Both
From advertising campaigns that speak to millions to the campaigns that speak to your most vital audience members, Elevate My Brand has had 16 years of experience spanning over 400 clients.
For more information on how to get started with all of this, reach out and contact us for the latest details and steps to get started today.